Contingency factors and choice of management control tools in small and medium-sized enterprises

moderating role of the ethnicity





Contingency factors, management control tools, , SMEs, , ethnicity


Purpose: The objective of this study is to measure the influence of the ethnicity of the SME manager in the relationship: contingency factors and choice of management control tools in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Method: To achieve this objective, a mixed approach is adopted. The qualitative phase relates to 30 interviews and the quantitative phase to a convenience sample of 650 SMEs in Benin.

Results: The results highlighted a positive and significant effect between the environment, computerization and decision-making style variables in relation to the choice of management control tools. The results also showed that relations with people of the same ethnicity do not provide any role of moderation in the link between environment, computerization of the SME and the choice of management control tools.

Originality : The originality of this study is the introduction of the socio-cultural ethnicity factor in management control.


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Author Biographies


After having capitalized on five (5) years of professional experience at Financial Development, cumulatively with her university course, Estelle NOUDOHOUENOU obtained in 2009 at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Abomey-Calavi a diploma in Master's degree in Management Sciences option Management of Organizations. In 2010 she enrolled for a Specialized Higher Studies Diploma (DESS) in Finance and Management Control at the doctoral school of Economics and Management. Selected on the basis of a test for the Postgraduate Research Program in Management Sciences at the Doctoral School of Economics and Management of the University of Abomey-Calavi, she obtained in 2015 a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) Finance and Management Control option. In 2017, she was admitted to a thesis. She defends her thesis in 2021 publicly on the theme entitled " ORGANIZATIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL CONTINGENCY FACTORS AND CHOICE OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL TOOLS IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES: MODERATOR role OF SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS "

She has participated in several workshops and conferences, including:

Participation in the 2nd African Management Conference (CAM 2014) in Cotonou from 08 to 11 May 2014 "Serving Africa through Management" (Participant)
The 7th Symposium of Sciences, Cultures and Technologies of the University of Abomey Calavi from September 16 to 21, 2019.
The 5th International Scientific Colloquium of the University of Parakou from October 19 to 22, 2020


Mrs. SYLLA DOUCOURE Karima is a full professor at CAMES Universities. She is a teacher at the Faculty of Economics and Management (FASEG) of the University of Abomey Calavi (UAC) / Benin. She capitalizes on around thirty articles and has supervised around twenty theses, half of which have already been defended. When the memories of licenses and master, the number is inestimable.


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How to Cite

NOUDOHOUENOU, E., & SYLLA DOUCOURE, K. (2023). Contingency factors and choice of management control tools in small and medium-sized enterprises: moderating role of the ethnicity. Journal of Academic Finance, 14(1), 2–15.